Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Spankin' Awesome Brother

As you will notice, just about all of my pictures have Marines in them. My family just got back from Quantico, Virginia where my brother graduated from Marine OCS (Officer Candidate School). The graduation was incredible with more than 550 soon-to-be Marines marching in what appeared to be perfect unison. Then came his commissioning. It was a small ceremony held at the Marine Corps Museum. If anybody wants to tell me that the Marines don't have the best looking dress uniforms EVER... than he is seriously mistaken. Just looking at those guys in their dress blues made me want to be a Marine. To be commissioned, the Marine must swear an oath to the U.S. that he will serve his country, putting God first, then country, then Corps. Wow. I love my country. I just about cried.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Either nothing has happened in your life since August 20th or there is more there that you are not telling us. Now come on, which is it?
