Monday, October 20, 2008

Anybody Have Some Directions?

Last week our language school didn't have any classes. The Thursday before we left, they told us that the location of our school was moving further down the road. They said that it was by the Mongolian International University. It turned out that M.I.U. is two more miles down the road from our old school, so we had to get a ride. Pastor Dean was busy this morning, so a Mongolian he knows gave us a ride. That wasn't all too bad, but we couldn't really communicate with him very well. He just dropped us off at M.I.U. and left. So, when all the school told us was that it was close to M.I.U. I just assumed that it would be really easy to find since they gave us no other details. I was wrong. So here we are, two white guys standing next to a big Mongolian university, just wondering around. We walked this way, that way, and every other way with no success. Finally, John called a teacher and asked her where in the world we were supposed to go. She told us to find the big Catholic church and that it was directly behind it. So we looked around and at least four hundred yards from M.I.U. One actually cannot see the building from M.I.U. Well, we wandered on over that way. We went into the main courtyard of the Catholic church and found some of our fellow classmates. They said that our classroom was actually in the church. We then proceeded to just walk in the front door and wander around. Now there are four Americans and three Koreans just roaming through a completely uninhabited church. We saw classrooms, but no one was to be found. We gave up on that and went around the back side of the building when we saw the school's bus. Finally, we found out that the classes are on the opposite side. When we told Pastor Dean about it, he replied with this, "Only in Mongolia."

1 comment:

Adam said...

Wondering and wandering, huh?